Lily Longnose Media Release

New children’s book set to raise top dollar for greyhound rescue organisations and animal charities.

Lily is no novice when it comes to the spotlight, she has already been featured on Oz Top Dog 2022 on Sunrise and multiple Channel 10 weather spots.

The book is currently in the pre-production phase raising funds on a crowdfunding platform to go into publication.

Lily Longnose Finds a Home is a soft-cover children’s picture book written by Emily Norman, that explores Lily’s journey from being a puppy in the greyhound racing industry and all that entails, to finding her forever family and her true self. 

Illustrated by Katayha Gould (of Goldie Design Studios), bright and playful pictures jump out of the pages to tell Lily’s story. Designed for 4 – 8-year-olds, it’s a perfect book for children who are reading with support from a trusted adult – it starts important conversations about the realities of greyhound racing.

In Australia, three greyhounds die racing every week, with 27 injured every day. In 2023, 66 greyhounds have died on Australian race tracks this year and a further 5741 have been brutally injured.

Animal rescue orgainsations and advocacy groups can use the book to raise funds for their important work.

Comments to be attributed to author Emily Norman

“In 2020 my husband and I welcomed a 2-year-old greyhound into our family. We were overjoyed by this gentle, playful giant who made herself at home. As I fell more and more in love with her, I felt a responsibility to learn more about her past and the experiences of greyhounds in the racing industry. Shocked by the unbelievable cruelties thousands of greyhounds face all across Australia, I wanted to find a creative way to support ending greyhound racing. 

“This led me to write a children’s book for animal rescues to be able to sell and generate money for their work. The book will also be an educational tool for children, exploring the life of a greyhound in the racing industry.

“I partnered with Australia’s greatest greyhound advocates – The Coalition for the Protection of Greyhounds, Free The Hounds and Georgie Purcell from the Animal Justice Party Victoria – for an online pre-sale launch of the book. In just 4 days we raised $5,000 to fund the project and will now be able to move forward to publishing!” 

Comments to be attributed to Illustrator, Katayha Gould

‘When Emily (Lily’s Mum) contacted me to get involved with the book, I couldn’t say yes fast enough! It has been amazing to be involved in a project with such a passionate author and for a very worthy cause which is close to my heart. 

“My own rescue Lurcher, Chester, was not in the racing industry, but I can’t image how he would cope in that world when I see him happy living in his forever home. All greyhounds deserve the life he has found, rather than being used for selfish profiteering. 

“My hope is that this book will inspire the next generation to have compassion for these amazing animals and stop greyhound racing once and for all.”

Comments to be attributed to Georgie Purcell, Animal Justice Party (AJP) member Northern Victoria

“Children are innately kind and empathetic towards animals. Lily’s book tells a wonderful story that teaches children that compassion is a strength.”

“With more and more greyhounds being adopted into loving homes it is wonderful to see them reflected in a children’s book. Without caps on breeding, we are facing a rehoming crisis and need more homes for greyhounds. Lily’s book will go a long way to support that.”

Comments to be attributed to Andrea Pollard, President of The Coalition for the Protection of Greyhounds (CPG)

“The racing industry considers greyhounds as disposable products. Emily’s beautiful book shows how rescue groups do essential work in saving dogs like Lily Longnose from the cruel industry.”

Comments to be attributed to Mel Harrison, the President of Free The Hounds (FTH)

“Free the Hounds are incredibly lucky to know Queen Lily and her super hoomum Emily. Allowing children to understand how animals should be treated kindly is so important. We are certain that younger generations are not going to allow the suffering of greyhounds to continue so to have a book like this for them to read will only encourage them to speak out and feel comfortable doing so. Hopefully some adults too will be enlightened about the sport while reading to their children, it’s a win win. We can’t thank Emily enough and also Katayha for the gorgeous illustrations".


Media Contact:

Emily Norman

Image: Front cover draft

Thank you to Lauren Darge Consulting for this Media Release and support of the project (

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